Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Music Lessons

Every Monday & Tuesday I have music lessons. On Monday it is keyboard and Tuesday ( after my afterschool drama & dinner ) we ( my brother and I ) go to our drum lessons! Whenever I have a crap day at school ( like sometimes we do ) I always look forward to going to my music lessons. Music always cheers me up and the teachers teaching me are all so kind I just feel so happy. Don't worry we don't have a drum kit yet so we can't tear the house down with our awesome music...aww!! I am still playing guitar ( don't worry I spose you weren't but you know what I mean ) I might be having lessons after dinner on a Wednesday. I also might have netball practise on afterschool on Wednesdays so it is good. On Thursday ( every Thursday ) I go to Liston College and skate around for about to hours. I meet a group of friends there and when its your fourth lesson you get it free. This week I think its my sixth week of skating & HOPEFULLY I will move up to badge 3. There are seven badges or maybe ten but you can join if you would like and it only costs $5.00 so if you would like to come its very fun. On your first time skating you might fall on your bum but it's natural ( trust me! I definately WOULDN'T fall on purpose!! ). I have completely gone off the subject of music. People do it ( like myself ) but we get through... don't we! Anyway have a great day...and enjoy Primary because those are some of the most important years you should remember ( known from experiance :) )

Thanks I should try to improve my writing by not going ( ) all the time! LOL!

>**:~ Torz ~:**<

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