Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Endangered Species

And yes this is to do with my english class. It actually isn't published yet so this is it! It is about bees! Why are bees getting less and less common. I'll tell you why!

Buzzing around with a black and yellow back waiting to get annoyed by some human. This is what bees have to put up with everyday. Trying to survive by collecting pollen and dodging humans while they skip in the garden not even thinking about their risk of getting stung.

I've even searched about bees and it says that cellphones can kill their navigating system ( so they cannot find their way back to the hive ) and so they die because they can't find their way to their hive. It's quite sad really I mean imagine if you were a bee. For me it would be starting all over again trying to get to my R.E class!! Lol!! ( laugh out loud - for those who don't know! ). Anyway school just keeps getting busier and busier I havn't been able to get on here at least for a week. But I'm soo happy it's the end of term 1 ( Friday 15 April ) YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! I've got more english to show you soo watch out because it's better! At least you might think so!

Anyway thanks for being patient with my blog :) cheesey rox!

>** ## TORZ!! teeeheee! ))&&^%^(@^#^ I am very silly!! - hardly ever it happens I KNOW!!! lol. c ya!

Have fun holidays coz u deserve it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Torz How are you having fun at St Doms might go there to. so I went to the open day I was searching for you but could not find you so yasmin gave me and my dad a tour. Isabella misses you. and I am eleven now and read my blogg and read my book chapters the 39 clues summerland style!
    By Tori from Nawshi
